NEW ALTITUDES, our 2024 North American Hand Papermakers Conference, will focus on the ways that the art and craft of hand papermaking is an evolving landscape. Every day, students, researchers, artists, and master craftspeople are breaking new ground, elevating technique, and discovering what it means to be a hand papermaker in the 21st century. For our annual gathering in 2024, NAHP invites papermakers to the Mountain West to explore the histories, traditions, and innovations that ground the work of contemporary practitioners and reveal the topography of our craft. Please join us in Denver, Colorado, from Oct 17-20, for this conference co-sponsored by the Anderson Academic Commons at the University of Denver. Our programming will include the Anita Lynn Forgach Keynote Address from papermaker, Helen Hiebert, and many other engaging presentations, demos, and panels by leaders and innovators in the field. More than 20 speakers and 7 demonstrators will share their latest work on topics ranging from paper and technology, cross disciplinary modes of paper exploration, traditional and contemporary bark paper practices, modern papermaking techniques, book arts, tools, collaborative models, sustainable practices, educational strategies, and innovation through techniques and research. Visit the New Altitudes conference page on our website for more details.
The 3-day conference offers special registration rates for early registration, students, and presenters. Your registration will include all talks and regular demonstrations (unless specified otherwise) as well as coffee breaks, receptions, and the final banquet on Saturday night. (In addition, during registration you may purchase banquet tickets for guests.)
Early Registration: $250 (Closes Sept 16 at 11:59pm)
Standard Registration: $295 (open from Sept 17-Oct 4 at 11:59pm)
Student Registration: $155 (closes Oct 4 at 11:59pm)*
Presenter Registration: $185 (closes Oct 4 at 11:59pm) **
* You must be a registered student or current NAHP student-intern member to use the Student Registration level.
** Confirmed Presenters (and Scholarship recipients) will receive a private code to register.
Most events for New Altitudes will be held at the Anderson Academic Commons on the DU campus in Denver. Conference attendees have opportunities to attend inspiring talks and panels, participate in exciting demos, and join tours and other events at AAC, and around Denver. A few demonstrations and tours may have limited space due to logistics and require sign up at the registration table when you check-in. The complete schedule is available online here:
All registrants MUST have current NAHP membership to attend the conference. Membership dues are separate from conference registration fees. If you are unsure of your membership status, please login to Wild Apricot and click on your name in the top right corner, or email For more information about membership levels and benefits, click here.
Cancellations received by September 16 are subject to a $50 administration fee. Cancellations received between September 17–October 2 are subject to a $100 administrative fee. No refunds after October 4, 2023.
Scholarships. Scholarships are available for both students and non-students to cover conference registration and the Saturday banquet. This year, limited funds will also be available to cover part of an applicant’s travel and lodging. Scholarship applications open shortly after the opening of registration, with a deadline of September 30, 11:59PM EDT. To apply for a scholarship, click here. (Please do not register until after you hear from the scholarship committee, letters expected by September 9.)